How we review gear...

Product reviews on this site are conducted by DART adventure racing team members and have been used in the field by the author. We prefer our sponsor's product based on our history of use, however we do review sponsored and non sponsored products equally and without predjudice. We will list both pros and cons and will give you the most objective information to help you make critical decisions about what you take into the field.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

DART-nuun carries nuun electrolytes into the frying pan

Team members from adventure racing teams DART-nuun and Mergeo ran around Mount St. Helens, in Washington state. St. Helens, an active volcano, as can be seen in the background, had just opened up a week before the circumnavigation run. It had been closed for nearly a year because of significant volcanic activity. Because of this we made it a fast run, why push the odds. The group of 6 rounded the 33 mile mixed pumice and jagged basalt Loowit trail in 10 hours. With few opportunities for water, dehydration and loss of electrolytes in the brutal heat was a constant concern. A DART-nnun team member, hydrated with , "nuun active hydration", crosses what we dubbed the frying pan, in this picture. The St. Helens run, whether a section or the whole circumnavigation is a must on your training agenda. If you are going to pull of the whole thing, bring your nuun electrolyte tablets. Light weight and effervescent, in our run against vulcanism, we only had time to drop nuun into our water and get going.
Contributed by Erik Nachtrieb
Photo by Dimitri Kieffer

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